Thursday, January 06, 2005

That's not fair!

Fuck Fair

I love when people teach their kids about fairness. Nothings fair. I can't think of one god damn thing in my whole life that was fair. Sure, if you work hard for something, and you get something for it, that's fair. Till the next day when you get run over by a 97 year old cataracts patient .

Fair, fuck fair. If I ever have a kid (and that will be the day when my selfishness takes over and has me adding to this human nightmare) I'm going to teach it the word unfair. That's what this world is you know. Unfair.

Lets say little Johnnie does all his homework and cleans his room. I'll smack him across the face with a book. That will teach him. Or if he makes his bed puts his toys away, I'll gas his cat. There's fair for ya. Little bastard.

Yea, teach your kids about being fair. Good idea. Then they'll grow up to be a bunch of fair fightin monsters like the ones running this hell hole planet. Fuckin kids.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

my mom smacked me across the mouth whenever i did my homework too

6:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ohyeah, gas the fuckin cat

5:09 PM  

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