Mr. Bill
Mr. Gody two shoes.
Good Boy Bill
Thought's on real men.
My best friend is Wilfred Raymond. It's not because I like him more than any of my other friends, it's because he's good at being best. He's a great best friend! I can count on this guy for anything. I think he'd even give me money. I would never ask but it's good to know.
He's one of the nicest friends I have. He's nice to everybody. Even dickheads. I hate dickheads.
Bill plays a mean guitar. No songs or anything. Just riffing and boinging. "Please Bill, play something I can understand. Play a song?" Not yet, I've known Bill for 20 plus years and I've never heard him play anything recognizable. And he's great at it. Of course when he's on stage with his band he's a start to finish dynamo. I'd call his music a 'punk - Bill' sound. Taste like punk but smells like Bill. My best friend Bill.
He's single of course. Too nice for most woman. No fist fighting, clean living, NO CAR! Never had one. Rides a bike everywhere. I don't think he's ever been in a fight. He got mugged once. Got punched in the mouth by a couple thugs. Didn't cry. I wanted to make up a fake fight to tell girls but he wouldn't have anything to do with it. Girls like bad boy's you know. The only bad thing about Bill is his...... I really can't think of anything bad. Maybe his feet stink but I don't think so. He did yell at me once. We were having our usual homelessness argument. I think we both feel the same way about the problem, I just like to see him get mad. It's close to being bad but not really.
And get this, he's a scientist! He works on curing people of cancer, asthma, aids, shit like that. He even works good.
I think Bill is one of the greatest men I've ever had the pleasure to know. He walks the walk that most of us just talk about walking. Makes me look like a perfect jackass. My best friend Bill.

Good Boy Bill
Thought's on real men.
My best friend is Wilfred Raymond. It's not because I like him more than any of my other friends, it's because he's good at being best. He's a great best friend! I can count on this guy for anything. I think he'd even give me money. I would never ask but it's good to know.
He's one of the nicest friends I have. He's nice to everybody. Even dickheads. I hate dickheads.
Bill plays a mean guitar. No songs or anything. Just riffing and boinging. "Please Bill, play something I can understand. Play a song?" Not yet, I've known Bill for 20 plus years and I've never heard him play anything recognizable. And he's great at it. Of course when he's on stage with his band he's a start to finish dynamo. I'd call his music a 'punk - Bill' sound. Taste like punk but smells like Bill. My best friend Bill.
He's single of course. Too nice for most woman. No fist fighting, clean living, NO CAR! Never had one. Rides a bike everywhere. I don't think he's ever been in a fight. He got mugged once. Got punched in the mouth by a couple thugs. Didn't cry. I wanted to make up a fake fight to tell girls but he wouldn't have anything to do with it. Girls like bad boy's you know. The only bad thing about Bill is his...... I really can't think of anything bad. Maybe his feet stink but I don't think so. He did yell at me once. We were having our usual homelessness argument. I think we both feel the same way about the problem, I just like to see him get mad. It's close to being bad but not really.
And get this, he's a scientist! He works on curing people of cancer, asthma, aids, shit like that. He even works good.
I think Bill is one of the greatest men I've ever had the pleasure to know. He walks the walk that most of us just talk about walking. Makes me look like a perfect jackass. My best friend Bill.
What's his phone number?
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