The Joint of Joints!
Carl M. Ferraro 1913 - 2005
Carl Ferraro died late last month. Carl was the proud owner of the Dresden Lounge in Los Feliz. My favorite watering hole.
I first went there with my lovely wife in 1996. We just fell in love with the place. White vinyl seats in the restaurant and swinging jazz in the lounge. Marty & Elayne. The only show in town. Nothing compares.
Marty & Elayne
No visit to the great city of Los Angeles would be complete without a stop at The Dresden. Just remember two things. Number one, enter in the rear! Very important. Don't want to look like a tourist. Number two, arrive late. If your going for dinner, eat late. If your going for the music, wear earplugs.
Good going Carl, where ever you are.
Carl Ferraro died late last month. Carl was the proud owner of the Dresden Lounge in Los Feliz. My favorite watering hole.
I first went there with my lovely wife in 1996. We just fell in love with the place. White vinyl seats in the restaurant and swinging jazz in the lounge. Marty & Elayne. The only show in town. Nothing compares.
Marty & Elayne

No visit to the great city of Los Angeles would be complete without a stop at The Dresden. Just remember two things. Number one, enter in the rear! Very important. Don't want to look like a tourist. Number two, arrive late. If your going for dinner, eat late. If your going for the music, wear earplugs.
Good going Carl, where ever you are.
couldnt agree more
i always get shitfaced drunk
and the band does some great nine inch nails covers
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