Rat Bastard
Screw steroids, lets teach our kids to be rat bastards!
Listen, everyone cheats. People cheat in business, relationships, school and even cards. I'm not saying that cheating is good but ye who cast the first stone lives on a glass couch. This is earth. Not some whack christian heaven. Shit happens. The MLB needs to check these overpaid buttheads and put an end to steroid use. Meantime, what do we do about this rat bastard? Don't buy his book for one.
If everyone rated out their "friends" for cheating on stuff this world would be, well, like a christian heaven I guess. Fuck that. I plan to be at the bar in hell.
Absolutely. Canseco is only out to make money off his book, at any price, including being a fuckin pathetic snitch. I enjoyed how the "Senators" were listening at these "important" hearings. They would ask the same questions to ball-players on the stand, like they hadn't heard a guy answer the same fuckin question from the previous Senator right before them. Really worthless. The whole thing. I'd rather pay attention to the Senate hearings on Chum Hin Love.
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