Monday, April 18, 2005

Who's talking to who?

Now hold on... I thought all these pope wanabes were able to, 'talk to god' and stuff! It's like by the mere act of voting, their proving to everyone that those lying bastards don't talk to god.
Their voting... How do you say politica?
The least they could do while bathing in their gold and jewels and altar boys is to humor us with a little white lie. Pretend to talk with god before you 'vote'. Like, pick some guy, and then make it look like you all voted the same way. You know, shit like that. Mix it up.
Say something bout act of god or bolts of lightning. Get more junk for the new pope. You know. Yo yo.

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Chicken Pope

I'm on my knees!
I've never felt this way before.
Seduced by the sheer number of dead chicken breasts in this country I will make it my code, to never give up the search for Christ's ever lasting light found in this simple caged beasts bosom.
Bread to live in a ten inch by eight inch tomb city, only to be butchered and found to resemble a bird eating leader of millions of bird eating followers.
Must of ate a thousand birds alone this guy. Fuck.

Lindsay Wagner for Pope.

Saturday, April 09, 2005


Hey look, there's Jimmy !

Thursday, April 07, 2005

U2 can be a hypocrite

So "Bono" wants to save the world again. Wants to get AIDS medicine to the African masses. The same people that the catholic religion doesn't want to wear rubbers. Well you can't have it both ways little fella. Your supporting a cult that has offered suffrage to millions of it's followers. Your the front man for millions of starving children. For a war in your own country that's lasted for decades. And, your music is repetitive and boring.
I guess some people will do anything for camera time.

Just ask Negitiveland.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Scott B.

I've just got to give a shout out to my old friend Scott B. His blog is really one of the best blog's in blogland. I've learned more junk from his blog than in the first or second year of 7th grade. Robots, music, baseball, Artur Rimbaud, photography, the Universe, pocket pool and more.

Although he looked better in high school. And he wasn't always pinching his nipples.

Friday, April 01, 2005
