Monday, April 18, 2005

Who's talking to who?

Now hold on... I thought all these pope wanabes were able to, 'talk to god' and stuff! It's like by the mere act of voting, their proving to everyone that those lying bastards don't talk to god.
Their voting... How do you say politica?
The least they could do while bathing in their gold and jewels and altar boys is to humor us with a little white lie. Pretend to talk with god before you 'vote'. Like, pick some guy, and then make it look like you all voted the same way. You know, shit like that. Mix it up.
Say something bout act of god or bolts of lightning. Get more junk for the new pope. You know. Yo yo.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yo yo pope pope yo
yo pope yo yo pope pope yo yo Hitler youth yo yo pope yo
yo yo pope yo you fucking hypocrite pope fuck yo yo pope hitler

8:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahhh, the brilliant and fruitful interaction of today's American intellectuals on the world wide web!

7:36 AM  

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